Take the ICAO English Test With Us
English is the language of aviation. Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers must achieve Level 4 if they engage in international air transport. We partner with Lenguax Europe to deliver English Language Proficiency (ELP) tests in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Take your first test with us or renew your level.

How It Works?
Pay & Book a Test
Once you have paid, you create an account with Lenguax. A company with 40+ years of combined experience in the English language training industry.
Choose Us
After you create an account, choose location Sofia, Bulgaria and select Peak Aviation Academy. You will need to be in person in Sofia, Bulgaria for the assessment.
Join Us in Sofia
Select a date and time. We will confirm your booking with us and meet on the date and time at our office to conduct the assessment. It takes 30 minutes. Look below for our office's location.
Receive a Certificate
You will receive your result within 10 working days. Express options are also available. The certificate is in a .pdf format and a paper copy is available upon request.
Peak Aviation Academy
is a Satellite Testing Location for Lenguax Europe
Lenguax is both EASA and UK CAA approved to award an ICAO English level up to and including Level 6

Lenguax Europe
Lenguax Europe s.r.o., administrator of the TEAC, is approved by the Transport Authority of the Slovak Republic as a Language Assessment Body - SVK.LAB.006 - to award an ICAO English level up to and including Level 6, and is fully compliant with ICAO Doc 9835, EASA FCL.055 including FCL.055 (d), and Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/340.
EASA member state aviation authorities accept ELP certificates for tests administered to pilots and air traffic controllers under the SVK.LAB.006 approval. Peak Aviaiton Academy is a satellite testing location of Lenguax.
The TEAC Exam
The Test of English for Aeronautical Communication (TEAC) is a plain English for Aviation language testing system designed to assess the English language proficiency (ELP) of aviation personnel for ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements compliance.
The TEAC is a human interaction test between 1 candidate and 1 examiner and takes approximately 30 minutes. It is highly interactive and represents a highly spontaneous communicative challenge. There are 4 tasks.
We take your privacy very seriously. Please, read the full privacy policy of the test by clicking here.

The 4 Tasks of The Exam
1) You will be presented with an image significant to your aviation experience and asked questions about routine & non-routine activity
2) You will listen to a dialogue between a pilot & air traffic controller and then be asked to describe the communication.
3) You will listen to 9 messages from pilots or controllers related to non-routine situations and then report your understanding of the messages
4) You will be given 2 pictures on a related aviation topic to describe and compare. An interactive discussion of general aviation topics will follow to finish the test.
Every EASA State Accepts It
The English Language Proficiency test that you can sit with us in Sofia, Bulgaria is accepted by all EASA member states. If your licence is issued in one of the blue countries you can take the ICAO English Language Test test with us so the Level of English will be added to your pilot's licence. If you are not sure. please get in touch with us via the form below. We will be glad to assist you.
Here is a list of countries accepting our test: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.
* The French Civil Aviation Authority may require additional paperwork from us regarding your application. We deliver that in due course.

Listen To an Example of an Airline Pilot Language Exam
Candidates do not have to be airline pilots to take the exam. Upon registration you can choose one of the profiles that suits your aviation experience:
Airline Pilot
Ab-Initio Pilot
Aerodrome Controller
Area Controller
Private Pilot
Rotary-Wing Pilot
Approach Controller
ATC Student
ADP Driver
Airport Operations Officers
Why the TEAC exam?
TEAC is highly interactive, meaning candidates are challenged to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively and spontaneously in a rapid-pace human interaction.
Different versions for different aviation roles and test content are specific to the role of the candidate. Versions are numerous, standardised and updated frequently.
All parts of the test are contextualised and authentic to the role of the candidate. There is an RT dialogue task enabling a deeper assessment of Comprehension skills.
The test team all have a Masters in Language Testing: as the test trialling process continues, appropriate measures of research and analysis will be implemented to maximise score reliability.
An Example Certificate
EASA approved TEAC certificates include details of Lenguax Europe's EASA LAB approval.
We provide a validator tool for all certificates issued by us. You can check if a TEAC certificate is valid by using the online authentication tool together with the certificate number and candidate number from the front of the certificate.
Get Your Name on The Certificate
Frequently Asked Questions
I do not have a language rating. Can I take the test?
My previous rating has expired. Can I take the test?
Your organisation is not in my CAA list of Approved Organisations. Why?
My licence is issued in Greece. Will the HCAA accept the test?
When can I retake the test if I fail/ I am not happy with the result?
What are validity periods of the ICAO English?
Available Dates & Times
Once you pay, you will receive an email confirmation and link to book the test with us.
We are available both on weekdays and weekends and can conduct the test with 1-day prior notice. Sessions are available in the mornings, afternoons and evenings.
Do not hesitate to contact us to schedule your test on a different day/time.
Additional costs (if applicable): If the regular service for certificate issue is not sufficient (up to 10 working days) you will be able to select an additional paid service after registration:
€40 for an Express Service (5 working days)
€70 for an Express Plus Service (3 working days)
€70 for a Paper Certificate
Call: 00359877343285
Email: [email protected]
EUR 170
Our testing location is in Sofia, Bulgaria 👇
Call: +359877343285 (Emil), +359896042685 (Angel)
Email: [email protected]
Address: Puzl CoWorking, Cherni Vrah 47 blvd., Sofia, Bulgaria
Here are the EUR account details for Peak Aviation Academy.
Account holder: Peak Aviation Academy
IBAN: BE26967966378529
Wise’s address: Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
Here are the BGN account details for Peak Aviation Academy.
IBAN: BG06BPBI79421200062735
Адрес на банката: България, гр. София 1766, ул. "Околовръстен път" № 260